Linux WINE steps to facilitate the operation of Burnsim 3 under the Linux operating system.These instructions pertain to a Slackware Linux installation but may be applicable to other versions or at least suggest to the user the general procedure. I do all of the install from a plain terminal window in X-windows (KDE for me) from my /home/ksaves user directory and you have to have an active internet connection at the time you do the WINE configurations. Also if something gets screwed up one can delete the /.wine directory and start over.First step I do is build and install WINE from a user account. I don't know how the situation will be for one who uses a binary package. I basically go to the wine directory and use the command /tools/wineinstall and go have lunch. Once WINE is installed the cabextract utility needs to be installed from a root account or the sudo command I believe would be used in another distribution. The code can be downloaded here: I use the ./configure, make and make install commands in Slack to get that achieved or perhaps a binary library can be installed for a particular users Linux version. The next step and subsequent steps make use of the winetricks utility. This makes the modification of the WINE configuration so much easier for a script “kitty” to do. It can be had from here: This is supposed to be the latest version. More information is available at the wiki here: One simply left clicks and saves link as in whatever directory they want and I'd use the user account home directory. Change the file permission to make it executable. To run the program type ./winetricks. I have winetricks in my user account directory ksaves and the /.wine directory is also located there. This next step pertains to my Slackware system. When I tried to install corefonts using ./winetricks an error code tells me to remove the Samyak-Orinya TTF fonts. That was a pain but I figured out as /root, the TTF file in question is in /usr/share/fonts/TTF. It is labelled Samyak-Malayam.ttf so just delete it. There is no Orinya anywhere I can find. The next step is in the same directory, /usr/share/fonts/TTF, there are two files, fonts.dir and fonts.scale. I had to take a text editor and delete the reference to Samyak-Malyam in both of these files. Linux runs fine without them and winetricks and the modification will not progress without these changes. This font deletion might be peculiar to just Slackware and might not be a problem on other Linux versions. When I did the next step, ./winetricks and tried to install corefonts, it gave me an error code to delete Samyak—Orinya fonts. There is no Orinya as far as I can tell but when I just deleted the offending font, I still got the error code. Took me months to figure out I had to delete the mention of the Samyak-Malayam fonts in the fonts.dir and fonts.scale files! There is probably an archaic command to get the system to regenerate those two files but I don't know it. So once that was done do ./winetricks and select “corefonts” from the choices. Again, we are working in the user account directory which for me was /home/ksaves on this Slack 13.1 system. Now for other versions of Linux I'd say try ./winetricks corefonts right off the bat. If you don't get the error code, you don't have to go through all the rigamarole I went through that took months for me to figure out. If you get the error code, you won't hurt anything and you can remove the offending fonts like described above and just go ahead and run the ./winetricks command again. It will tell you when you have success. Next step is easy. Just do ./winetricks fontfix. That goes in like a snap. Now we get into installing the MS Net Framework and here is where ./winetricks helps out again. Do ./winetricks dotnet11 and follow the instructions like it's a Windows machine. I do tell it NOT to email MS about my installation as I'm paranoid and testy.:-) Next ./winetricks dotnet20 and again follow the instructions for the install the MS provides. Lastly do ./winetricks dotnet30 and this one will give you some instructions and once it gets started doing the install, the progress screen disappears! I found it minimized in the lower right of my toolbar and clicked on it to bring it back so I could monitor the progress. O.K. Now to install some more simple files with ./winetricks. Do ./winetricks msscript, ./winetricks vcrun2005 and ./winetricks wsh56. Now we'll do some housework so the /dev/ttyUSB”X” ports will be redirected to com ports. One simply goes to the /.wine/dosedevices directory and does this command: ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 com1 and additional commands ln -s /dev/ttyUSB1 com2 and so on if one wants more ports. This next step might not be needed for Burnsim but it's addition to the setup allowed me to run the APRS tracking program APRSIS32 program under WINE in my Slack environment. It's pretty easy to do. Go to: Scroll down to Serial Com Port and you will see these three choices: #1 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\hardware\devicemap\serialcomm] "COM2"="COM2" "COM1"="COM1" #2 [HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\SERIALCOMM] 1131331688 "COM1"="COM1" "COM2"="COM2" #3 [Hardware\\Devicemap\\Serialcomm] 1231984861 @="" "Serial0"="COM1" "Serial1"="COM2" "Serial2"="COM3" "Serial3"="COM4" "Serial4"="COM5" "Serial5"="COM6" "Serial6"="COM7" "Serial7"="COM8" "Serial8"="COM9" I've tried #2 and #3 successfully. Didn't try #1 but it might work too. What I did was cut the statement of choice out and used a text editor to paste it into the /.wine system.reg file. Beginning or end I don't think it matters Again, this might not be necessary for Burnsim but made the difference with APRSIS32. It also might have made it possible for me to run the MCP-4A programming software for the Kenwood D72A radio as long as the D72A was connected to com1 (/dev/ttyUSB0) The last step could propably had been done up above in the timeframe but it was the last thing I discovered. I got Burnsim to register properly but it WOULDN'T DRAW THE GRAPHS!! I ran Burnsim from a terminal and when one does that, all the WINE status statements run in the background and I can watch what's going on with WINE while Burnsim in running. Said something about gdiplus not working or something to the effect. Well gdiplus is in winetricks and I did ./winetricks gdiplus and the graphing started working just great!!! I haven't done any file exporting yet but at least one can run Burnsim in a Linux system. Rocksim 9 I think will run with this configuration as I was using a simplier WINE configuration to get it going quite some time ago. Rocksim 7.X.X will run with a stock WINE installation from the get go without any modifications. I generally lift the stock directories off a Windows machine with BS and get it to work. Please note, none of this will allow one to pirate the software unless they've stolen passwords or registration files so don't think of it as a way to open software up for full use. They will have done all this work for nothing. Part of my issue with Burnsim is the stock WINE install kept giving me an Active X error in the registration process. I stumbled into the remedy with an online Google search. Got that taken care of and then the graphs wouldn't draw. Got the graph thing solved in a week or so. One last thing when I am trying to connect to a device from a user account Slackware sometimes doesn't give me access to the USB port. In that case I run the sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0 (or whatever number) AFTER I have the device plugged in. Again that doesn't apply to Burnsim but in case one tries other programs with attached peripherals. Hosted by The BlastZone |